ABC Soaps In Depth

Fan February kicked off with GENERAL HOSPITAL asking its loyal viewers which character from the past they’d like to see return for a special guest appearance and Spencer’s mom, Sonny’s sis and Nikolas’ ex, Courtney, raked in the most votes!

“I was, obviously, so thrilled and moved that they voted for me!” smiles Alicia Leigh Willis, who played Courtney for five years before leaving to pursue other interests. “It was so overwhelming to go back, just the amount of love and excitement that I got because I hadn’t seen anybody in so long. It was one of the most touching moments of my life. It was a beautiful reunion of kisses and hugs. It was really special.”

The character of Courtney died nine years ago after giving birth to Spencer and then succumbing to a deadly virus. So this wasn’t a reunion with her son but rather an introduction. “Although it’s the first time Courtney has actually had a chance to meet her son, I feel like in some way she’s always been there looking over him,” Willis says. “This was a chance to finally tell him that, and it’s at a time when he needs it the most.”

Willis got a kick out of Nicolas Bechtel (Spencer), saying, “He’s 10 going on 40!” Bechtel is a precocious ball of energy that not only charmed her, but also her young daughter, Simone. “Nicolas is incredible!” Willis says. “He has an amazing sense of humor, and he has such a good head on his shoulders. Simone was following him around like a little puppy dog. She followed him around the whole studio. When we had to leave, it was like the world was ending. She didn’t want to go. It was very dramatic.”

Courtney’s visit was a quickie, but one thing’s for certain, Willis wouldn’t mind popping in and out again in the future. “Spencer needed her now, and I think it was important for him to know that she was there for him,” Willis says. “I’m not sure what the future holds, whether or not Courtney will be coming back. I would love to work with Tyler Christopher (Nikolas) again. He’s a good friend and I adore him. I would always be open to that opportunity.”